Saturday, August 31, 2019

Hr Provision Essay

Provision function: is a consecutive process of human resources planning, job analysis, recruitment, selection, placement and incorporation. HR Planning The ongoing process of systematic planning is to achieve optimum use of an organization’s most valuable asset – its human resources. The objective of HR planning is to ensure the best fit between employees and jobs, while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses. Sands Corporation would have to look at the three key elements of the HR planning process, which are: forecasting labour demand, analyzing present labour supply, and balancing projected labour demand and supply. Proper human resource planning will enable Sands HR department to plan recruitment, selection, training and career development . The HR plan needs to be flexible enough to meet short-term staffing challenges, while adapting to changing conditions in the business and environment over the longer term. Job Analysis and Design Job analysis is the process by which HR systematically investigate the task, duties and responsibilities of the jobs within an organisation. For human resource to be effective, Sands HR must be aware of the essentials that amount to each position. That is there should be a process whereby the substance, demands and responsibilities of a job are determined. Therefore two sets of information should originate from job analysis. First, Job Description which is the document that identifies and defines: a job in terms of duties, responsibilities, tasks and supervisory relationships. Second, Job Specification which is a written statement which emphasises the characteristics required from the incumbent to perform the job successfully, which should include skills, abilities and knowledge . Recruitment and selection the process of acquiring applicants who are available and qualified to fill the positions and choosing from a group of applicants the individual best suited for a particular position. Recruitment usually comes about as a result of HR planning and vacant positions that have to be filled. The staffing personnel, should use the job analysis as the point of departure, and follow steps such as recruitment planning, recruitment action (how, where and when), the type of recruiting source, screening and selecting . HR manager and the staffing personnel should through the recruiting process, consider the legal aspects as well, such as the labour Relation Act, No. 66 of 1995, the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, No. 75 of 1997 and the Employment Equity Act, no. 55 of 1998. Placement this is the process by which the staffing specialist will place a new appointed employee in an organisation, or transfer existing employees are transferred to new posts. Placement is important because of the heterogeneity of the labour groups. The staffing personnel should make sure that there is â€Å"FIT† between the job itself and the new job incumbent, so that there would be high productivity and a lower turn over from the new incumbent. It should be clear that placement is a combination of the employers’ requirement to fill a position successfully and the employee’s motivation to reach the top. Incorporation The specialist in training and development should attend and make sure that the new employee settles into the new position. The employee should be provided with the information regarding the organisation and its culture through orientation, must also be given specific information about the position and the department should be given through induction. The new employee must be made to feel part of the new work group as soon as possible. The training personnel need to explain the organisations policies, rules and regulations to the new employee as well as counter negative influences by fellow workers.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Revolutionizing a Better Era of Technology in the Future of Medicine Essay

Alan Kay states, â€Å"The best way to predict the future is to invent it yourself† (qtd. in Garreau 88). Many Americans ponder what the future might hold. Will technology bring a new era to mankind or will it be the end to all eternity? Ray Kurzweil, inventor of the year by MIT, argues â€Å"he is convinced that medicine is moving sufficiently fast; therefore, any person who can stay healthy for the next 20 years may so benefit from the explosion in biological technology as to be immortal† (Garreau 90-91). With the advancements of medical technology continuing to climb, this quote illustrates that the future will make for a better world. Organizations such as The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency known as DARPA, The Continuous Assisted Performance known as CAP, and The National Science Foundation fund studies that demonstrate how genetic engineering will impact America’s future by developing a bigger, better, stronger individual (Garreau 19-35). Each day as the advancements of technology doubles, the world will soon not worry about diseases and health; everyday gene technology will better our minds, bodies, and most future generations, thus making the â€Å"Heaven Scenario†. In the Article â€Å"Gene Technology and Tissue Engineering† Andree, department of Plastic and Surgery, Freiburg University Hospital, states â€Å"Gene therapy is based on the concept for certain proteins or polypeptides into a cell and, thus, may be used for potential modulation of tissue. Genes can be delivered using either an in vitro approach, and with viral or non-viral vectors. Genes may therefore be stable, or transiently expressed by the cells† (93). This fact illustrates the concept of genetic manipulation and how each cell is expressed. Both Rob DeSalle, Ph.D. in Division of Invertebrates, and Michael Yudell, MPH in Molecular Laboratories, summarize that the study of Genomics will have a major impact in medical services. If doctors knew how to discover someone’s exact diseases, then they can transform and improve those cells to stop in in its act (117-118). With the help from DARPA and CAP and the study and treatments  of Gene therapy, Americans’ will soon find themselves living longer and healthier lives. DARPA funded by Michael Goldbatt, is one of the world’s foremost drivers of human enhancement (Garreau 19). Their vision is to â€Å"accelerate the future into being† (Garreau 21). DARPA help fund the computer mouse, graphics, weather satellites, and many other technologies (Garreau 25). One independent agency that works strongly with DARPA is CAP managed by John Carney (Garreau 28). CAPs advanta ge over DARPA is the laboratory. One idea that they are studying is â€Å"finding an enzyme that appears only in bacteria but not in us. It might exist only for a brief time in the bacteria, but without it, that life form cannot exist. Then you attack it† (Garreau 28-30). Organizations such as DARPA and CAP strive to make unstoppable human beings. For instance, take the well-developed movie Gattaca which came to theaters in 2010 and was about a man that manipulates his DNA to hide his identity to be a more advanced, genetically engineered, human being. No one is capable of stopping him from becoming a better meaningful species to society. Most Americans strive to build themselves up to become the best they can be. Americans’ study the use of DNA manipulation in bodies and cells to help fight off diseases and illnesses such as the common cold or flu. Goldblatt proclaims, â€Å"We do not fear the unknown, and we relish exploring the unknowable† (Garreau 19). Americans should be more like this quote and strive to become the best species that has ever existed. DARPA is studying a vaccine that will help in pain management. Such vaccines will make milestones in terms of medicine. If someone is hurt they will feel the first trigger of pain but the pain will soon subside (Garreau 19-28). This pain vaccine will have many benefits to Americans dealing with diseases and to society. The National Science Foundation believed in the â€Å"Heaven Scenario†: They predicted in 10-20 years the world will evolve much better. Wearable sensors will enhance every person’s awareness of his or her health condition, environment, chemical pollutants, potential hazards, and information of interest about local business, natural resources, and the like. The human body will be more durable, healthy, energetic, easier to repair, and resistant to many kinds of stress, biological threats, and aging process, and technologies will compensated for many physical and mental disabilities and will eradicate altogether some handicaps that have plagues the lives of millions of people. (qtd. in Garreau 112-113) This statement  unveiled a world where technology advancements will mature in a way that Americans are capable of being healthier and happier individuals. The effects of genetic engineering impacts the future by manipulating genes to help Americans live longer. Enzo Russo and David Cove, authors of Genetic Engineering: Dreams and Nightmares, tell a brief story about a little girl that was suffering from a disease called Severe Combined Immune Deficiency. â€Å"She was the first known human being to be treated using gene therapy†¦After two years of therapy, this young girl was able to attend school normally, to swim, dance, ice skate with her family and friends† (117-118). With this example it substantially shows the achievements of Gene Therapy and how Americans greatly benefit from them. Children will have the privilege to go out and play or do whatever else their little imagination wants to do so they can be just like every other child. If doctors had a way to catch or see a disease before it overtakes someone’s body then they would be able to do something about it. Jacobs, consultant genetic counsellor Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, believes â€Å"Early identification of individuals with, or at risk of, hereditary disease can make a difference to patients and families in terms of accessing genetic services, early detection and risk-reducing measures. Several clinical guidelines recomm end undertaking family history assessment in clinical setting† (Jacobs, Chris, Christine 38). Jacobs also states that â€Å"Recognizing when off spring may be at risk of genetic condition such as cystic fibrosis, Duschenne muscular dystrophy or Huntington’s disease, can help couples to make choices about prenatal testing and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. These procedures increase the possibility of a healthy baby and reduce the risk of passing the mutation to future generations† (Jacobs, Chris, Christine 38). With this possibility, think of how it will make a new era to mankind. Parents no longer have to worry about unborn babies and whether they will have the same disease as their ancestors. Another person that was influenced by Gene Therapy is Gregory Stock. Stock, director on Medicine, Technology, and society at the school of medicine of California, proclaims â€Å"In the future Americans will benefit from using ‘Artificial Chromosomes’. Future generations will be able to switch out one or two chromosomes that may be transferring diseases with a stronger chromosome† (qtd. in Garreau 116-117). There are many believers of the â€Å"Heaven Scenario† although all the outcomes  might not be the same. Ray Kurzweil, who was granted the national medal of technology, was the inventor of the â€Å"Heaven Scenario.† He stated â€Å"is there is no problem or challenge that there [is not] an idea to overcome that problem† (qtd. in Garreau 115). This statement argues that no matter how difficult something might proclaim to be, there will always be a new improved way to get thru. In terms of medicine, there will always be new inventions of t echnology and drugs that will make a better advancement then the former. No matter what the statistics say technology will always have an astonishing outcome. If Americans’ had the opportunity to formulate themselves at a higher level of humanity then why not go for it? (Garreau 115) Most Americans’ dream that one day the world will be a heavenly place for all humanity. With the advancements of new medical technology doubling and continuing to climb up this progressive ladder, Americans’ soon will be bigger, stronger, and healthier individuals. The inventions of new drugs, either injected or manipulated into genes, will influence making the outcome of the â€Å"Heaven Scenario† true. If more organizations like previously stated DARPA and CAP continue to find new ways of implementing and then attacking infections and disease: Americans’ will live much longer non-stressful lives. Imagine the outcome of waking up clear headed and pain free with no worries in sight. Future generations will have the knowledge and ability to know when a bad enzyme links on and attacks cells; furthermore, being able to stop the infection before it explodes and travels thru DNA. It will be a new era to mankind. Americans’ will be able to determine and c hoose how their children turn out. Children will be healthier and live longer lambent lives. Like my opening quote â€Å"the best way to predict the future is to invent it yourself.† Negative controversies about technology being the end of mankind should not influence Americans’ into not believing in the â€Å"Heaven Scenario,† thus sit back and watch the never ending achievements and outcomes of Gene therapy transmute the world into a better brighter norm. Works Cited Andree, C., et al. â€Å"Gene Technology and Tissue Engineering.† Minimally Therapy & Allied Technologies 11.3 (2002): 93-99. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 March 2014. DeSalle and Michael Yudell. Welcome To The Genome: A User’s Guide to Genetic Past, Present, and Future. Canada: John Wiley & Sons. Inc., 2005. Print. Garreau, Joel. Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies- and What It Means to Be Human. New York: Random House, 2005. Print. Jacobs, Chris, and Christine Patch. â€Å"Identifying Individuals Who Might Benefit From Genetic Services And Information.† Nursing Standard. 28.9 (2013): 37-42. Academic Search Premier. Web. 18 March 2014. Russo and David Cove. Genetic Engineering: Dreams and Nightmares. Oxford New York Tokyo: Oxford University Press, 1998. Print.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Sickle cell anemia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Sickle cell anemia - Research Paper Example Most people do not know the difference between the sickle cell disease and the sickle cell trait and instead they ignore all this and discover only after the baby has been screened and found to have the trait or the disease. If the mothers were aware about the sickle cell anaemia, they would go for screening but for most mothers they are not aware of the disease and they therefore cannot be educated on how to take care of themselves and their children when it comes to anaemia. Sickle cell anaemia has been said to be mostly evident in African- American women. The interview taken showed that most of them were not aware that the disease is most prominent among them and they were not aware of what to do if they are found to be having the said disease. The demographics of the sample show that most of the women who were interviewed are paid below 50,000 dollars. An interview should have been conducted that shows the search relating to those women who are paid above 50,000 dollars in order to reflect how poverty contributes to the disease. This would have shown if most of the women who are paid over 50,000 dollars have been screened and if they aware about the disease or if it is just a matter of ignorance from everyone. The sample was only focused on African -American women who earned less than 50,000 dollars. It would have been widened to include women who were not African-American so that it can be shown that the disease is mainly prone to African-American women. This would have created the distinction between other ethnic groups and tribes and the African- American women. The sample indeed showed that most of the pregnant women were not aware about the disease but this could be so because they do not receive any education regarding the disease and therefore get into relationships without knowing if they have the disease or not. Others choose not to share such information to their partners out of fear of what would happen if they gave out such information. It has b een said that most of the women fear telling their husbands that they have the disease. A sample of husbands who have sickle cell or those whose children have sickle cell should also have been included to see if they are aware of how the disease is transferred. Ignorant husband are also a contributory factor to the spread of the disease. If you take an example of the men who have sickle cell anaemia, a fraction of the men would have portrayed that most of them did not share with their wives the fact that they had anaemia. Another study would have been carried out for those husbands who did have the sickle cell disease to reflect whether they shared the fact to their wives and if they shared it what precautions they took. The spouse’s ignorance too, leads to the spread of the disease as much as it is a disease that is rampant among pregnant mothers. The knowledge of one of the spouses would have contributed a great deal if they shared the fact to their partners. Since their pa rtners do not want to tell their wives that, they have sickle cell anaemia and on the other hand, the wives fear telling their husbands this leads to a situation where the disease is only discovered while giving birth. A sample of the children with anaemia should have been taken to reveal whether the children are aware of the disease or for those who have it whether they are on medication or if they are on treatment for the same. A great risk is

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Orange Resorts International Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Orange Resorts International - Case Study Example em in ORI has further reduced its operation in terms of maintaining appropriate data management functions along with Customer Relationship Management activities. Although the integration of new system may increase potential opportunity for ORI, the new system could also face major obstacles to perform the increased level of marketing along with sales and service functions of the organization. The existing limitations in the current system may create major constraint for ORI to perform its marketing, sales and service related activities, which impose major risks for ORI. In addition, the unsatisfactory facets along with inadequate attributes in the new system may also reduce the capability of ORI to make appropriate decisions or taking effective measures in accordance with the current trend in the tourism business industry. In order to deal with the current problem of managing information system in ORI, an effective planning and execution process of system development lifecycle should be duly recognized. An effective planning and implementation of the newly developed system development lifecycle would enable not only to improve business efficiency of ORI, but also to provide adequate opportunities to the organization in terms of obtaining its desired business goals and avert potential challenges. The newly developed system will significantly focus on managing, controlling and directing key operational activities of ORI and help it to advance in decision-making processes. In this regard, appropriate management and evaluation of data would be a major supportive attribute of the proposed system plan. The process of evaluating data management and controlling process in line with the current trend will substantially improve the decision making process in ORI to accumulate growth even during the transitional economy. The system will be sponsored by system administrators of ORI with a strategic team, who will be accountable to report each function to the board of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Path of the Law and its Influence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Path of the Law and its Influence - Essay Example In the study of law, every decision made by any court should evaluate the merits and demerits of the decision held. This prevents any possible critique to the decision made by the court. In the merits and demerits of the decision, the moral part of the issue at hand should be brought to the light for the citizens to deem it fair. However, there have been a number of cases that have been controversial in a way that the decision held by the court finds all opposition with firm grounded facts that can lend the decision overturning. In such a case, the integrity and competence of the judge who advanced the decision being challenged by other law intellectuals. The most controversial cases are those that touch on the public rights such as the voting rights. One of such decision is that which was made by the Supreme Court in relation to the elections of Texas. In its decision, the Supreme Court allowed Texas to use the controversial voter-ID law. According to this law, the registered voters were supposed to prove their eligibility to cast votes by use of the Photo-ID law that is described as a terrible law in the state. This law had been declared unconstitutional by a district judge on the basis that it would prevent many thousands of voters from casting ballots. This law would mostly affect the African Americans an d the Hispanic. The Supreme Court’s order failed to address the merits of this law before allowing it to be enforced. Furthermore, the Court did not provide the reasoning behind the enforcement of this law. This law is a threat to the public confidence in elections because it discriminates against certain individual groups of citizens from exercising their constitutional right to vote. A law should not be racist in its enactment.  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Homework 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Homework 2 - Essay Example to day communications among all team members of the project to come up with various creative ideas on how to develop the software according to their goals and preferences of the organization. They recognize that customers can always change their minds about what they want. The scrum master enables the organization to use scrum effectively. They act as an intermediary between the development team and any distracters. They ensure that the scrum process is used as intended because they are the enforcer of the rules of scrum. They chair any crucial meetings and challenge the team members to improve in their developments. There is no role manager in a scrum project since it is not required. All the traditional roles that belong to a project manager have been carefully divided into three scrum roles and reassigned to the developmental team and product owner rather than to the scrum master. Conducting scrum project with a project manager results into conflicting responsibilities, unclear results authority (Rubin

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Control labor costs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Control labor costs - Essay Example The company has to satisfy both the customer and the laborer in order to run a profit oriented business in a highly competitive world. Laws and legislations governing the workforce have evolved over the passing decades. Labor issues have always been sources of conflict and they are highly problematic. The employer has to study and develop techniques to control labor costs; he must create solutions which can be implemented and enforced in his company, with a view to garner maximum profits. One of the major reasons for spiraling labor costs is the unauthorized and unscheduled absenteeism of the workforce. The attendance and the time spent by the workforce must be monitored and the wages must be calculated on the basis of the percentage of the hours worked. This kind of labor monitoring can definitely lead to increasing efficiency. But such a timekeeping system must be devised which does not in anyway question the employee's integrity, but at the same time enables the employer to track the workforce. Labor costs can be kept under control by improving the productivity and efficiency of the employees. This can be done by imparting good training to the workforce and through the use of cost and time saving equipment. The government plays a major role in decisions regarding the compensation rendered to the employees. It is the duty and the responsibility of the government to ensure that the laborers are not subjected to any kind of wage or gender discrimination. The government must prevent exploitation of the workforce, especially child labor. The unemployed and disadvantaged who are on the dole need both minimum wages and insurance cover, which is provided by the government. The federal and state governments have laws concerning minimum wages for even jobs with low productivity. Standards have been set by the federal government regarding the compensation of employees. They are: Davis Bacon Act (1931), Copeland Act (1934), Walsh-Healey Act (1936), Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)(1938), Equal Pay Act (1963), Title VII of Civil Rights Act(1964), Service Contract Act (1965), Age Discrimination Act (1967) and Wage Garnishment Law (1968). This is an age of increasing mobility. Multi-national companies employ global nationals, expatriates, local nationals, and third-country nationals. Employees move around the world; therefore it is a highly complicated task to devise compensation packages for employees working in disparate situations. There are different types of employees in multi-national corporation - third country nationals, expatriates and local nationals. Third country nationals are those who belong to another culture or nation having similarities with their place of work. Expatriates are those living outside their country of citizenship. Local nationals are those who are employed in the nation of their origin. Employers, by and large, have adopted different paths toward controlling labor costs. Most of the employers have discovered that investment in labor management can reap the reward of greater efficiency. This in turn, would give rise to happier employees. Efficient labor management techniques can control spiraling labor costs. Data collection for creating the payroll of employees and the automation of the payroll system reduces labor cost to a great extent. A survey conducted by Clark Consulting in 2004 found that institutional investor limits and uncertainty about the future accounting treatment for stock-based compensation

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Strategic Planning of Organization Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Strategic Planning of Organization - Term Paper Example Strategic planning helps the management team to properly understand the current situation. Thus the present times requires continuous strategic planning because of the escalating rate of change of the business world. The firm is hiring people who can foresee the implication of a certain newly employed process or concept. This has led to the development of predictive models which simulate what might happen in the future. Managers of various companies and organizations are forced to think of the future. To achieve this they need to think out of the box and remain focused. Studies previously were done, show organizations that have had long-term strategic plans have survived and thrived in times of crisis compared to the ones which had short-term strategic plans. Growth in terms of customer base and general organizations’ catchment is seen if long-term strategic planning is employed. Strategic planning acts as a form of communication that the firm is planned for the future and bas ically the good intent of the organizations’ management team. Though all these occur, the flip side of such kind of planning cannot be assumed. Strategic planning does not form the organization’s futures blueprint, while it might focus on solving a specific problem, a different predicament can come by and catastrophically affect the organization. Strategic planning is not an effective method of formulating future decisions of an organization, otherwise, the future is unknown. It will not identify all the critical factors which need to be solved in an organization, it requires a thorough investigation of with different viewpoints which is laborious and time-consuming. (Vander, 2004) Below is a structure of how a strategic decision arrives at This calls for planned and emergent approaches to a strategy wherein planned approach; the organization objectives and purpose are clearly stated and directly translated into actions. In the emergent scene, decisions are made on the basis of the bargain, the chance of occurrence and positive feedback.  

Friday, August 23, 2019

Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) or Texas v. Johnson (1989) Research Paper

Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) or Texas v. Johnson (1989) - Research Paper Example Selma, Alabama was the center of the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King Jr. and 700 others were arrested during demonstrations against state regulations on voting. On the social front, miniskirts first made their appearance and health warnings were placed on packs of cigarettes. President Johnson signed into effect the Voting Rights Act, which ensured equality for all at the voting booth, by eliminating literacy tests and other barriers. He also signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which initiated Title 1, which ensured remedial education for students in need, and the Head Start Program which began in May. In December of 1965, John and Mary Beth Tinker, and Christopher Eckhardt were members of a community group against the American involvement in the Vietnam War. John, fifteen years old, and Christopher, sixteen years old, were high school students in Des Moines, Iowa. Mary Beth, John’s sister was a thirteen year old junior high student. To demonstrate their objections and to promote their support for a holiday truce, they decided to wear black armbands from December 16 to New Year’s Day (Cornell University Law School). The school authorities in Des Moines discovered in advance the plan of the students to wear the armbands, and issued a policy on December 14 stating that any student wearing armbands would be sent home and suspended until they could return to school without them. Their fear was that the armbands would create a disturbance to the school environment, especially considering that a school graduate had been killed in the Vietnam War. Two days following the issuance of the new school policy, the above-mentioned students wore the black arm bands. The students were aware in advance of the new policy. After school officials requested that they remove the armbands, they refused. The students were then sent home suspended from school, and returned

Developing an Alternative Strategy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 99

Developing an Alternative Strategy - Case Study Example Dubai One has an experienced workforce. After being in existence for a very long time, the subordinates have gained enough experience on how to retain the competitive advantage of the company in the market. The company does not focus on customer relationship management. Instead, it focuses more on the revenues and how to suppress the competitors. This can be used by the competitors to attract the attention of the customers towards their services. The cost structure is not effective. The business model being used by the firm which is based on selling half-hour slots of commercial time to program producers and charging them with a minimum guarantee is not effective and sustainable in the modern market. The internal factor is the most significant for the existence of the business. With the increasing levels of globalization resulting from the liberalization of markets, efficient flow of information and integration of economies, the firm needs to sort out the internal factor if it has to remain competitive. An alternative strategy would be to merge with one of the firms in order to strengthen the company in the market. Through the new firm that would emerge through merging, the company should change its competitive strategies by adopting the new tactics that were used by the private firm. This would strengthen the company’s position in the market. Acquiring new employees who were in the private sector would enhance the company’s chances of privatizing its operations. I think the proposed alternative is the best because it will allow the company to evolve and diversify its operations. At the moment, the company is rigid to changes and relies on its tactics on program producers to retain its competitive edge. However, the new proposal will make the firm use its funds more efficiently through expanding its operations to the untapped market.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

High Cholesterol Essay Example for Free

High Cholesterol Essay Everybody worries about their health right? Nowadays people really don’t care too much and only do the bare minimum to get through their life. Most people just eat what they want, and make a bunch of decisions that will only destroy your body slowly. There are many diseases out there and you can never be too safe, because your health is what keeps you going with your life. Many diseases out there people don’t even know about. Well this disease I am about to discuss can affect your health like you wouldn’t believe. This disease can be very dangerous for the human body if not properly taken care of. This disease is called â€Å"High Cholesterol†. First off, what is Cholesterol? Well â€Å"Cholesterol is a sticky, waxy, fatty substance found naturally throughout your body.†1 Cholesterol is a very important substance to maintain. Doing so will prevent a lot of diseases that can cause even more damage to your body. That’s why watching what you eat can play a huge factor in your life when it comes to health. Now I will explain to you why it is important to manage your cholesterol. Why is Important to manage your cholesterol? If the cholesterol reaches an excessive amount, it can stick to the hearts artery walls. So much so that it can block and narrow them, this is known as plaque buildup. Over a period of time if the plaque builds up at a high rate, it can lead to a much more dangerous thing called atherosclerosis which is determined to be a hardening of the arteries. People don’t realize how serious it is to watch your cholesterol. Having High Cholesterol, it can cause a serious risk for heart disease. High cholesterol is in your body, and the more it increase 9which comes with age) the more it can cause a serious disease. The thing about High Cholesterol is when you have it; you will not even know it. If you continue to consume a lot of fatty foods, or being overweight from eating too much food altogether, or even if you have a family history of such disease, you must make sure you watch your cholesterol level at all times. Did you know that if you have a bit too much cholesterol in your blood, it can cause cardiovascular disease? Well â€Å"Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 cause of death in the United States. 2,200 Americans die of cardiovascular disease each day, an average of one death every 39 seconds.†2 After reading that statement, doesn’t it make you wonder how you can treat it? Because I am sure that scares you just like it scares me. There are many things that can cause your cholesterol level to skyrocket, so the best thing to do is learn how to prevent this from even happening. It is important to have a daily diet, watching what you eat can prevent your cholesterol level to rise. Eating healthy food such as vegetable, meats, etc†¦always make sure you stay away from fatty foods. When having a good diet, it helps you maintain your weight, which being overweight can also cause high cholesterol. Being physically fit is also another good way to maintain high cholesterol. Not only do you want to watch what you eat, you also need to make sure you exercise. Exercising is by far the healthiest to do for your body. There are many different exercises that are good for your health. Some of these exercises are running, stretching, walking, jump rope, anything to keep your blood flowing in your body so that your cholesterol level stays normal. Another major product which can affect your cholesterol is tobacco. Tobacco which not only causes high cholesterol problems, it causes death by other diseases. Staying away from tobacco is very important. Even inhaling second hand smoke is bad for you. Quitting cigarettes should be a must, especially if you’re trying to maintain good health, and lower your cholesterol level. Every 7 seconds, someone is dying from the use of tobacco products. Treating high cholesterol is basically maintaining good health. Always make sure you see your doctor at least once a month, if not twice a year. Have him check for any problems when it comes to high cholesterol. It’s really something knowing that everything we do in life can affect us as a person, especially our bodies which keeps us alive and living our lives. So always make sure you maintain good health, and watch your cholesterol level so we can stay alive and live life because life is to short. Works Cited 1. What Is High Cholesterol? N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Oct. 2012.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Cause And Effects Of Consumerism Cultural Studies Essay

The Cause And Effects Of Consumerism Cultural Studies Essay Consumerism is the term used to describe the effects of equating personal happiness with purchasing material possessions and consumption. Today we live in a consumer culture obsessed world. Consumption encompasses our everyday lives and structures our everyday agendas. The values, meanings and costs of what we consume have become an increasing important part of our social and personal experiences. The main factor enforcing our actions in this way is the news media. The news media is filled with information about consumption- not only in the form of advertising but also as news about businesses, lifestyles and economic indicators. However none of this tells us how we came about as a culture that associates freedom with the freedom of consuming anything of our choice and as a means of self-fulfillment. All cultures have found meaning in material goods. Objects resemble a social status or go further than that and have an emotional attachment with ones self. Goods are not only consumed for there material characteristics, but even more for what they symbolize- there meanings, associations and there involvement in our self image. Consumption is not simply the acquiring of products predestined meanings. Instead, it should be seen as a form of social consumer culture. While consumption is an act, consumer culture is a way of life. It is quite likely that never before in history has consumption become one of the central values of a culture. In modern society one learns merely to consume, and tasteful or appropriate consumption is only one of the numerous choices. It is this focus on consumption as a central worth that makes us a consumer culture. Consumption no longer seems to reflect our cultural values; it has itself become a cultural value. It has entered into the warp and turmoil of this fabric we call modern life. Every public space, every occasion for public gathering, every creative expression is seen as an opportunity to encourage more consumption. To understand how we have become this consumer crazy culture it is important to understand the humble beginnings of this crazy fixation. Before the industrial revolution of the eighteenth century, what people consumed was, either goods mad by family members or a person the consumer has a personal relation with. In early Europe the form consumerism took place in the weekly markets and seasonal fairs. The historical pattern in America was somewhat different. Unlike in Europe, where markets and fairs preceded the development of shops, in America shops emerged as the customary way of buying and selling in its early colonial period. It was not until the eighteenth century that markets and fairs became popular in the United States. Fashion is one of the key elements that fuel consumerism. Fashion not only includes clothing, but also any object where there is a concern for what is different, new and improved and which allows us to express our individuality. Fashion is so central to modern day consumption that it is difficult to imagine a culture in which it is not a major force. People throughout time have always been interested in the beautiful or in signs of status and in the pursuit of anything that brings them pleasure or happiness. It was during the last quarter of the sixteenth century in England that consumption first took off amongst the European nobility. This powered to two important developments. First, Queen Elizabeth the first used the dramatic spectacle of fashion as a display of government power. Second, she forced social competition among the nobility by removing them from their locality where they were clearly superior and forcing them to attend the London court where they had to compete with equals. Previously consumption had always been a family matter and what benefited the family the most. But now Elizabethan noblemen began to spend less on their families and more on themselves to further show there class and status. Josiah Wedgewood was one of the pioneers in the consumption phase. He had this new understanding of fashion and the market place. Wedgewood was a manufacturer and retailer of pottery in the eighteenth century. He was the first to recognize that if the rich and elite could be induced to adopt fashions, the other classes would follow soon. There are only certain societies where it is possible for a fashion to spread to the higher class to the lower class. Fashion has to be affordable for those in the lower class and the classes must be close enough with some fluidity between them that those in the lower class could imagine themselves owing what those in the upper class have. In England during this period the lower class was eager to possess whatever the upper class deemed fashionable. Wedgewood understood the immense financial potential of such a social situation and learnt how he could control it. His fashion tool was pottery. Wedgewood learned to closely observe what the upper class was buying in order to predict what direction the lower class consumption habits would follow through. Another factor adding to the consumer culture is the portrayal of this culture. In the United States consumption spurred as a symbol for rebellion rather than a symbol a homogeneous conformity. Schutte and Ciarlante describe Coca cola, Levis and Marlboro as symbols of individualism and freedom. Three phrases from Stuart and Elizabeth Ewens Channels of Desire (1982) which they see as indicative of the recent tendencies within consumer culture describe it best. Today there is no fashion: there are only fashions. No rules, only choices. Everyone can be anyone. This suggests there is a war against uniformity, a surplus of difference which results in a loss of meaning. The repercussion is that we are moving towards a society without fixed status groups in which the adoption of styles of life which are fixed to specific groups have been surpassed. We have been encouraged to buy in order to establish our individuality in a mass-produced culture. To express our disgust with consumption by more consumption, to purchase the latest improved traditions. Now people are encouraged to buy to convey their rejection of homogenized lifestyles. This anti-consumption attitude only fuels more consumption. Years ago, many people imagined that life would be idyllic in the 21st century. Technology would have cured most human short-comings, and there would be abundance of resources available for all. Population growth and over consumption underlie many of the invasive environmental and social concerns that humans face today. Over consumption of our natural resource base is jeopardizing ecosystems throughout the world. Wealthy nations like the US amount to 20 percent of the worlds population, yet they use more than 70 percent of the earths resources and generate an even higher volume of wastes. Some of these wastes are released into the atmosphere, rivers and oceans, others are land filled or incinerated, a small part is recycled. The standard notion of economic development envisions the rest of the worlds population moving progressively up the ladder of mass consumption. Clearly, the environmental implications of the global spread of mass consumption for resource use and environmental was te is staggering. In present times design culture also has greatly been influenced consumerism. Cities such as Las Vegas have dedicated there entire landscape to advertising to feed the need of consumerism. For the Utopian design at hand I have targeted the hospitality sector of the economy which attracts consumers owed to the hectic and fast-paced life we live today. I have chosen the Singapore Cricket Club for my bar and restaurant. The design is held together by the concept of network. Taking into consideration that the bar is the main attraction of a bar and highest revenue earning point in an FB. Using the concept of network my design directs all consumers towards the bar. The bar acts as the main attraction of my design which can be viewed from all levels and spaces. The unconventional feature of the bar is that it suspends 3000mm from the ground. As people walk through narrow corridors directing them towards the bar they are suddenly engulfed by the large open suspending bar and LED lighting panels from the ceiling going past 3 floors lighting up the entire design and focusing mainly onto the bar. The cuckoo club in London is a great example of how the bar acts as a key attraction in the premises. The entire space communicates glamour, drama and luxury. It represents a grand, dramatic film set with huge doors sweeping stairs, silk and voile drapes. The bar acts as a key feature covered entirely in gold sequins, set beneath a ceiling of diamond pattern panels of LED lighting (acrylic domes set into panels and then colour-washed across the whole ceiling), fringed with diamante beading. The lighting is flexible, varying from simulated daylight to pinks and purple in the night. The second case study chosen is Wine tower bar in UK. A 13 meter high wine tower forms the alluring centre point of the Radisson SAS Hotel lounge and bar at Stansted airport. The temperature controlled structure, constructed out of 6.5 tons of laminated glass, a steel core and a pyramid shaped roof, is fitted with an acrylic rack filled with 4,000 bottles of red and white wine. The enchantingly lit column not only serves as a large open wine rack but also functions as a theatre in which 4 graceful wine angels suspended on cables collect the bottles ordered by the guests. With the help of remote control and computer controlled winches, these women glide effortlessly up and down, whilst also slipping in a few acrobatics in the between. In conclusion Consumer culture has been incredibly successful. Not only has it been successful in satisfying our needs and desires, but it also has been successful in redefining what are needs are and expanding our desires. If we accept these desires as natural or inevitable, then consumer society seems natural and inevitable as well. Consumerism on the other hand does not only feed our desires but has left this earth with beyond reconcilable damages. Today are demand for goods is increasing beyond the capability of what our earth can come up with it. If our greed for consumption keeps increasing we will have to very soon give up our basic needs because our demands cannot be kept up with.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Todays Fashion Ltd.

Todays Fashion Ltd. Q1: Job analysis conducted by Mary for Todays Fashion ltd is inefficient. This is because a typical analysis of any job requires a combination of more than one method and/or approach in analyzing tasks to arrive at quality outcome. Employing a sngle method in analyzing any given tasks requirements in most instances brings inaccurate results owing to the perceived weaknesses of such a method. Such weaknesses have a dire impact on task and skills analysis procedures. Additionally, job analysis should be carried out by a professional with relevant specialization in hiring/recruitment procedures in order to ensure credible results of the entire analysis. As evidenced from the case study, Mary who is the pacific region sale manager has no formal education on job analysis or in particular personnel management training. Any job analysis carried by individuals with no formal training is likely to be inefficient. Training is paramount to the quality of output for any given task and/or activit y. Therefore, Marys experience alone does not qualify her to institute effective job analysis schedule. The method used by Mary is appropriate. However, the weakness of the overall analysis is brought by relying on one method to come up with the analysis. Additionally, relying on experience may be subjective and thus may not actually reflect the task requirements. Nevertheless, there are various strengths of the sales manager efforts. First, during the interviews, the interviewer can effectively describe himself to the people he is interviewing compared to other methods like questionnaires. Proper description of the task requirements will enable the interviewer to come up with proper conclusions regarding the job analysis. Interviews will help the interviewers to clarify issues which are not clear to the people being interviewed. Clarification of issues will enable the people being interviewed to give reliable answers to the interviewer. Also, interviews allow immediate response and interaction environment between the recruit and the employer, as compared to other methods like questionnaires. This boosts firms effort in driving needed conclusions for job analysis Just-in-Time. Interviews are also useful for complex questions that require intensive discussion which could not have otherwise be achieved through other method of job analysis. Interviews may also be modified to gather extra information needed to make conclusions as compared to other methods such as online recruiting which are static. However, Marys efforts have various weaknesses. First, interviews may lead to biased conclusions as the outcome of the entire procedure is pegged on subjective opinions such first-impression effects of the interviewer. Biased conclusion may affect the companys efficiency in selection and recruitment of human resources if the selection is based on the biased job analysis. Additionally, interviewing as well as employee skill scrutiny requires an interviewer with relevant skills and relevance for quality results, which Mary is devoid of. Therefore, the efforts employed by the sales manager may not yield the desired results. Moreover, interviews are time consuming and expensive. Also due to the large size of Todays fashions, interview carried out on the sample outlet may not represent the views of the 35 outlets that Mary is managing. Q2: Some of the factors that Mary ought to considered with more weight to improve her job analysis includes the frequency of specific tasks, skills, complexity and efforts exerted in performing various falling the assistant managers position, so as to effectively evaluate the competence and skills to sought during hiring. Also, in order to improver the quality of her analysis, Mary should consider the environment and job market dynamics in which the business is operating. Environment in most instances has a major impact on requirements in carrying out a given task. Work environment may include such as aggressive and hostile customers and extreme temperaments, among others. Consideration of work environment by the sales manager in job analysis for Todays fashion is crucial as it will help select store managers with good customer relations skills. Valuable customer relation is necessary for todays fashion ltd because some customers are aggressive and hostile, and therefore dealing with these types of customers requires high level of customer relations capacity. To improve the quality of analysis, Mary should also consider the equipment and tools needed to perform various tasks. For instance, if the stores records are to be maintained using a computerized system, the selection should include a manager with relevant information technology skills. Additionally, the sales manager should consider organization culture and strategy to improve her quality of analysis. An analysis that is consistent with the culture and laid down procedures usually yields positive returns for any given firm. Q3: Job description and specification prepared by Mary does not appear to be thorough. This is because the description fails to substantively spell out the role of the assistant manager in a given store department. An assistant manager has a significant degree of authority in making strategic decisions on store departmental issues under delegated authority from general stores manager. Additionally, under job specification, to effectively manage human capital in a given store Mary ought to posses some level of management skills. This is because the efficiency of management is directly proportional to the companys profitability and/or performance. In my opinion, the job specification and description criterion outlined by Mary does not form a substantive ground to form a basis of new selection criteria. This is because of the loopholes noted in the specification and job description schedule. For instance, the qualifications desired for the assistant store manager are inadequate, and no consideration has been made to include authority issues and duties scope. The documents prepared by Mary will work against firms goal attainment standards if sued for discrimination in recruitment of employees. This is because she restricts appointment to the people who have previously worked with the Todays fashion to some degree.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Need for a Pariah Exposed in Those Who Walk Away From Omelas Essay

The Need for a Pariah Exposed in Those Who Walk Away From Omelas  Ã‚   Affirmative action is perhaps the political hot potato of the decade. Its divisiveness has escalated racial tensions all across the nation, in forums political and academic. It also creates problems on a daily basis for millions of Americans in the workforce, education, housing, and so forth. Affirmative action, by its very definition, uses discrimination to attempt to create equality. Its ultimate goal is to make everyone equal to everyone else- intellectually, ability-wise, and (dare I say?) socially. What the proponents of this racial and gender communism do not realize is that society can only function in the absence of complete equality. Society is always in need of someone - be it a nationality, religion, or gender - to look down on. This point is most clearly made in the short story Those Who Walk Away From Omelas, a 1973 work by Ursula K. Leguin. The central message of Omelas is that society needs a pariah- someone to look down on in order to maintain its own happiness.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Omelas begins amidst a festival in the seemingly utopian city of Omelas. People are in a holiday spirit on this day, as they are every other day in Omelas. Mirth and good cheer seems to be the moods of all of the citizens. Though blissful, these people are by no means ignorant: They were not simple folks, you see, though they were happy...They were not less complex than us. The seemingly perfect city offers something to please every taste: festivals, good-natured orgies, drugs that aren’t habit-forming, beer, and so on. The citizens of Omelas have a complete love of life. There is no war, no hunger, no strife; in short, Omelas seems like the pinnacle of perfection. .. ...t this system is branded a racist or narrow-minded. Hence, those who would oppose affirmative action are becoming the objects of scorn and derision; this coupled with the fact that they are discriminated against by affirmative action policies means that they have become the pariahs! Leguin’ss story is now an allegory for them- they are now they small child, trapped and abused in the closet. So, in its attempt to eliminate discrimination and the oppressed society, affirmative action has created one instead! Few who support affirmative action because they loathe bigotry realize that by doing so they are themselves bigots. Leguin’s powerful statement that the pariah culture is omnipresent rings true when one considers that the pariah culture is merely perpetuated by the attempt to eradicate it. Works Cited: Ursula K. Le Guin, 'Those Who Walk Away from Omelas'

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Papyrus :: essays research papers

"Papyrus Papyrus was the most important writing material in the ancient world. Our word ""paper"" derives from the word ""papyrus,"" an Egyptian word that originally meant ""that which belongs to the house"" (the bureaucracy of ancient Egypt). Papyrus is a triangular reed that used to grow along the banks of the Nile, and at an early stage of their history the Egyptians developed a kind of writing material made out of the pith within the stem of the papyrus plant. At the same time they developed a script that ultimately provided the model for the two most common alphabets in the world, the Roman and the Arabic. . The task of the papyrologist is not only to decipher, transcribe and edit what is preserved, but also to reconstruct what is lost between fragments and reconstruct the whole. Most fragments of literature derive from rolls of papyrus, which could extend up to 35 feet in length. Papyrus was the most important writing material of the ancient world and perhaps ancient Egypt's most important legacy; alongside it were used other (often cheaper) materials, like wood and clay (broken pottery sherds with writing are called ostraca). On these materials were recorded everything from high literature to the myriad of Nine of ten published texts are private letters or documents of every conceivable documents and other communications of daily life. they reflect the quotidian affairs of government, commerce, and personal life in much the same way that modern records do. From the papyri, moreover, have come abundant new works of religious literature not only for Judaism and Christianity but also for traditional Greek and Roman cults, for Manicheism, and for the early history of Islam. The papyri are also our most important source for the actual working of law in ancient societies. . In addition to the papyri, the Michigan collection contains other writing surfaces that were in use in the ancient world, such as ostraca (pot shards), lead, wax and wooden tablets, parchment, and rarely, paper. The papyri are mainly in Greek, but with a range similar to that of Michigan.Condition of the Materials But it is of course much older than most paper manuscripts, and most papyri are torn on several, if not all, sides. They usually emerge dirty, crumpled, and twisted, unless they have been preserved in a box or jar (as occasionally happens). Ostraca are often broken, and sometimes have significant salt in the fabric if they have lain in land reached

Otello Aslam Essay -- Character Analysis, Lago

Othello â€Å"When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves† as Victor Frankl once explained, that it is our environment that makes us who we are. And if we don't like who we have become, than we have to change ourselves to change the environment we are in. In Shakespeare's Othello, the order and disorder of the setting parallels the order and disorder of Iago's character. The story begins in Venice where Iago's character is parallel to the setting that is â€Å"orderly [and] law-binding†, of the city where the society is peaceful. Iago's charter reflects the current setting, since Iago has not yet caused any problems. He is acting orderly, like when he did not get the promotion, Iago simply said â€Å"there’s no remedy† (). Which develops his character as a peaceful person,because he simply accepted Othello's decision and dose not fight back or go against it. Thus reflecting the setting, because just like the setting Iago is acting orderly and peaceful. Not only did Iago not fight back when he did not receive the promotion, he also questioned himself â€Å"weather I in any.. term am affined to love [the] Moor† (1.1.40). By Iago questioning himself, it shows that Iago is being civil, because he is not attacking Othello, or hating Othello right away for not promoting him. Instead he is making a decision through thinking logi cally weather or not he likes Othello. So like the orderly setting of Venice, Iago’s character is the same because by thickening through the options you have before making a decision represents order since the decision will have reason behind it. Furthermore, Iago not only thought through his decisions while in the tranquil city of Venice, but he also provided security for Ro... ...arter thorough violence when â€Å"[h]e stabs Rodrigo† (5.1.61). Thus Iago’s character reflects the setting, since anger leads to violence because both anger and violence are directly related to each other. Also because it is our anger that causes us to become over passionate which causes us not to behave in order, casing us to commit violent acts . In short the new chaotic and tense,setting parallels with Iago’s character. Since Iago, stirs conflict between people, murders Rodrigo which reflects both a chaotic and tense environment. Altogether, in the story Othello, as the setting changed from orderly, to unpleasant, and to chaotic, Iago's character reflected the setting each time. As his character also changed through the story, from being orderly in Venice to finally becoming violent in Cyprus. Thus Iago’s character is parallel with the setting.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Global Environmental Issues Essay

As the third world countries struggle with famines poverty wars and population growth, the communities in the third world countries are discovering the potential impacts of these problems in the form of increased water, air and land pollution. In most of third world countries pollution is almost unchecked and developed nations dump untreated sewage flows and toxic wastes in to rivers. At many times the choice of third world countries is between poison or poverty and basic needs like clothing shelter and food takes the precedence (Murphy, 73). On the other hand forming and enforcing environmental policies in the third world countries becomes economically disastrous and therefore most environmental issues are therefore not addressed by the governments of the poor countries (Murphy, 73). The health of the environment in third world countries is exacerbated by developed nations which take the advantage of the third world countries dilemma. Developed nations dump hazardous wastes in developing nations (Murphy, 73). Industrialized nations also built industrial premises in developing nation to avoid environmental regulations which they would face at their home countries. Transnational corporations that produce chemicals that are deemed dangerous in developed nation find their market in third word countries. In third world countries the government cannot restrict the use of these chemical because it would be very costly for the citizens in the third world countries in trying to make a living (Murphy, 73). In addition to the problems created by industrialization and development third world countries also suffer environmental difficulties that are caused by war and poverty among other causes. Third world environmental issues are such as air pollution, water pollution, desertification, soil erosion, deforestation and environmental poisoning. Environmental pollution both from developed nations and third world countries come from multiple sources and therefore reduction of this problem has to be tackled by international government, corporations, non governmental organizations and individuals alike (Murphy, 73). The largest single role must be played by the respective governments which will involve regulation and enforcement of anti pollution measures. These decisions are not simple as there may be balance struck between disruption of commerce and reduction of environmental pollution and between ambitious spending programs and conservative fiscal policies. Best intentions in third world countries sometimes lead to contradictory result. For example hoy no circular programs in Mexico was intended to reduce traffic by forbidding driving one day per every week depending on the number of licenses but the program was subverted and may be the result of the increased vehicle sales in this country (Magraw, 82). On the other hand there is no country that can effectively protects its environment and solve the numerous environmental problems on its own (Magraw, 84). No matter how the country is advanced in technology and science or how it is perfect on its means of implementation of the environmental law or how perfect it is in its means of legislation, an independent efforts to reduce environmental problems are not enough (Magraw, 86). Therefore it requires global efforts to reduce environmental problems. Moreover there is no country that can be able to pay costs of environmental degradation on its own including the ever increasing costs of the new technologies that are being developed to remedy environmental pollution (Magraw, 87). Since we share the same environment globally and given that international community is an organic whole we can argue that man endeavors to solve the global environmental issue can not be accomplished and will be to no avail if they fail to bring into play all the positive factors and unite the available forces. Bibliography: Rajan M: Global Environmental Politics: India and the North-South Politics of Global Environmental Issues, 1997. ISBN 0195640489, Oxford University Press. Pickering K & Owen L: An Introduction to Global Environmental Issues: Instructors’ Manua. 1997. ISBN 0415166640, Routledge. Harris F: Global Environmental Issues. 2004. ISBN 0470845619, John Wiley and Sons. Diaz A & West S: Environmental Issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. 2005. ISBN 1402037732, Springer.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Management Information System Essay

ABSTRACT Management Information System (MIS) provides information for the managerial activities in an Organization. The main purpose of this research is, MIS provides accurate and timely information necessary to facilitate the decision-making process and enable the organizations planning, control, and operational Functions to be carried out effectively. Management Information System (MIS) is basically concerned with processing data into information and is then communicated to the various Departments in an organization for appropriate decision-making. MIS is a subset of the overall planning and control activities covering the application of humans, technologies, and procedures of the organization. . The information system is the mechanism to ensure that information is available to the managers in the form they want it and when they need it. INTRODUCTION: MIS provides several benefits to the business organization: the means of effective and efficient coordination between Departments; quick and reliable referencing; access to relevant data and documents; use of less labor; improvement in organizational and departmental techniques; management of day-to-day activities (as accounts, stock control, payroll, etc.); day-to-day assistance in a Department and closer contact with the rest of the world.MIS provides a valuable time-saving benefit to the workforce. Employees do not have to collect data manually for filing and analysis. Instead, that information can be entered quickly and easily into a computer program. As the amount of raw data grows too large for employees’ to analyze, business analysts can build programs to access the data and information in response to queries by management. With faster access to needed information, managers can make better decisions about procedures, future directions, and developments by competitors, and make them more quickly we are living in a time of great change and working in an Information Age. Manager’s have to assimilate masses of data, convert that data into information, form conclusions about that information and make decisions leading to the achievement of business objectives. For an organization, information is as important resource as money, machinery and manpower. It is essential for the survival of the enterprise. METHODOLOGY: RESEARCH DESIGN Research design was adopted for the â€Å"Descriptive Research Study†. OBJECTIVES 1. To study pros and cons of outsourcing corporate IT security 2. To give suitable recommendations for increasing it security. DATA COLLECTION METHODS In the research two types of data were collected-: SECONDARY DATA Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and hence collected large no. of relavant information in order to come on a conclusion and recommendations for solving the problems.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Nonverbal Communication Cod Essay

1. What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? 2. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 3. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 4. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? 1. What cultural barriers are seen in this image? 2. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 3. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 4. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? 1. What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? 2. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 3. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 4. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? 1. What cultural barriers can be seen in this image? 2. What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? 3. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 4. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 5. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation? 1. What cultural barriers can be seen in this image? 2. What nonverbal messages are being sent in this image? 3. What type of nonverbal communication codes are being used to deliver the messages? 4. What effect does each message have on the other people in the image? 5. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation?

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Globalization and the Asian Financial Crisis

Globalization and the Asian Financial Crisis The Asian financial crisis is a prime example of an economic meltdown and it exemplifies the effects globalization has during times of widespread economic downturn. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, globalization is â€Å"the integration of national economies into the international economy through trade, foreign direct investment (FDI), capital flows, migration and the spread of technology. † The global economy is becoming further inter-twined and therefore it is very difficult to stop the effects of an economic crisis. The Asian financial crisis was a major economic crisis that spread throughout several Asian countries. The beginning of the Asian financial crisis can be traced back to July 2, 1997, with many believing the start of the crisis was triggered in Thailand (King 439). On this day, the Thai government floated their currency, the Thai Baht, and it also went to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for â€Å"technical assistance. † One by one, South-East Asian countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea and Japan saw their economies crash in the wake of heavy foreign investment. An economic boom had made the region an attractive investment proposition for investors for much of the 1990s. From 1990 to 1997, the private capital flow to developing countries rose more than fivefold, from US $42 billion in 1990 to US $256 billion in 1997 (King 441). However, in the summer of 1997, the economic climate changed, on July 2, 1997, the Thai Baht fell around 20% against the US Dollar (King 441). This was seen as the trigger for the crisis, as investors grew nervous, which led to disinvestments on the Baht, resulting into domestic production and development stalling. The reason why this was happening was because many corporations depended on foreign investment and when they dried up, the businesses could not meet their debt repayments, leading to many firms folding across Asia. Within a week of that day in July, the Philippines and Malaysian governments were heavily intervening to defend their currencies. Soon other East Asian countries became involved; Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and others to varying degrees. As global integration was spreading and growing rapidly, the markets were opening up and becoming more liberalized. This enabled these countries to get a huge influx of foreign capital. These countries were targeted by investors because they were classified as â€Å"emerging markets,† meaning that they had rapid growth and industrialization (Hanieh 65). Hence, they seemed to be ideal for investors as they sought after high profits and yields. It must be emphasized that most of the inflows that came were for short term portfolio investment purposes. Private capital inflows coming into the â€Å"emerging markets† were $42 billion, which increased to a gigantic $256 billion in 1997 (Hanieh 70). Ironically, that peak was the same year as the markets crashed. As mentioned previously, most of the inflows were for portfolio purposes; therefore, the stock markets were experiencing high booms and estate prices were also on the rise. Most of the countries had their currency pegging loosely against the US dollar in the run up to the crisis. The informal pegs to the US dollar encouraged capital inflows due to the large interest rate differential. This though, attracted problems too, due to the predictable nominal rates, it encouraged unhedged external borrowing. This asset boom continued to grow and the flow of credit continued to increase. This resulted into Japan, who was already suffering from their lost-decade, into depreciating their currency (Hanieh 74). As a result, this made their currency weaker and doing so, it made the exports of the South-Eastern countries uncompetitive. This was damaging to the rest of the countries to integrate on a global scale. Most of the functions that these countries undertake are producing parts of a production that would be later assembled and completed in countries like Japan or China. As stated earlier, these tiger-economies operated in a fixed exchange rate system; therefore, their central banks needed to keep enough reserves so that they could support the Baht at the fixed exchange rate. As the central banks ploughed money in to support their currency to maintain the exchange rate, business confidence was shattered and spread across other countries. The effect of this was further felt as their exports were much dearer since Japan devalued their currency. The knock-on effect was that foreign investors started to take their money out. Thailand was the major casualty of this and it quickly passed onto its neighbours; thus, the start of the Asian financial crisis. The financial crisis heavily affected three main emerging economies in the global market; Thailand, Indonesia and South Korea (Hanieh 64). These were the hot-bed for foreign investors who sought high returns on their investments. As the fixed currency fell, the more the investors pulled out; thus, worsening the currency further. The central banks tried in vain to hold the exchange rates as the Thai government spent $23 billion buying the Baht to maintain to US dollar peg (King 440). Investors sank money into these economies without knowing the full extent of policies involved; therefore, as the mounting hidden information of the Thai economy came to surface, it resulted in many speculative attacks on the Thai Baht, which finally forced the central bank of Thailand to float the Baht as it was no longer able to defend the itself against the US Dollar. It can be argued that the uncertainty, which is the absence of quality information on which to base investment decisions had increased the investment risk. This resulted in a contagion effect to other Asian countries. Much of the instability in the economy of Thailand was brought about by heavy short-term borrowing that required debt maintenance. The Thai government attempted to shore up shaky investor confidence by officially backing the financial institutions that were heavily indebted aboard. By October 27, 1997 the crisis had spread worldwide and had an impact on a global scale (Prakash 127). On that day, it provoked a substantial response from Wall Street with the Dow Jones falling by 554. 26 points (or 7. 18%), its biggest point fall in history, causing stock exchange officials to suspend trading (Prakash 128). There are several thoughts as to why the Asian financial crisis occurred. One of the clearest problems that can be seen is that of their financial systems. It has been evident that because the sudden influx of capital flows, the financial systems were not capable of handling the vast amounts. The weak financial systems led to poor investments and excessive risks. Negligent oversight of corporations caused consequences in economic downturns that were not a concern in the mid-nineties boom. The macroeconomic policies of the South-East Asian countries made their economies vulnerable to the uncertain confidence of their foreign investors. However, many economists argue that market overreaction and herding caused the plunge of exchange rates, asset prices and economic activity to be more severe than warranted by the initial weak economic conditions. Also, the deeper roots of the economic crisis went back to the early 1990s. Throughout the 1990s, growth in South-East Asia attracted huge capital flows. The account deficit of Thailand had grown from 5. 7% in 1993 to 8. 5% in 1996 (Khan, Islam, Ahmed 177). This was worsened as the domestic production slowed as the account deficit represented an even greater percentage. Much of the instability in the Thailand economy was caused by heavy short term borrowing and as previously stated; the government spent a lot of their reserves to maintain the exchange rate. This created a false sense of security in pretending the economy was stable. However, this support of the highly leveraged private sector by the Thai government lent the appearance of stability towards an unstable system and attracted even more foreign loans. In February 1997, the Thai company Somprasong was unable to make maintenance payments on its high levels of foreign debt. In the face of such instability, Finance One, the largest finance company in Thailand, failed at the end of May (Khan, Islam, Ahmed 182). Most of the lending by the company was made up of risky loans for real estate and stock market margin investment. This political instability resulted in the resignation of the Thai Finance Minister; thus, worsening the situation. The speculative attacks on the Baht forced Thailand to let the currency float on July 2, 1997, a key date in the Asian financial crisis. As an after effect, the currency depreciated further devastated the Thai economy. This forced the Thai government to call on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for economic help. In August 1997, Thailand was the first country to seek help and the IMF approved a loan for $3. 9 billion (Glassman 126). However, the IMF gave stipulations that the government had to follow. These were maintaining a level of government reserves, increasing the VAT, government cuts and a reorganisation of the financial sector. As the Baht declined sharply, a second bail-out was approved. Indonesia and South Korea also approached the IMF for financial assistance. Another key element that caused the crisis was that in a lot of East Asian countries the capital account was liberalized for inward and outward flows for foreign investors; however, domestic investors could not invest aboard and this meant they could not diversify their risks. Throughout these countries, financial institutions were inadequate. They had poor prudential management of currency risks, credit evaluation and public financial reporting. Rising global credit and liquidity fed vast amounts of capital to badly regulated institutions. Those had limited transparency and poor due diligence from foreign lenders. The poor macroeconomic policies failed to manage these problems and left the countries vulnerable to shocks in many ways. Firstly, widening current account deficits, financed by short-term debt, exposed the economies to sudden reversals in capital flows. Secondly, weaknesses in the under-regulated financial sector fuelled risky lending. A further problem with exacerbated the crisis was the tendency for the government to intervene and bail out floundering companies. These guarantees put further pressure on the global market as the level of debt kept escalating. Together with the depreciating of the currency meant foreign debt proved to be too much of a burden. A further domino effect was evident between the economies. As the currency of the country depreciated, this had a negative effect on the competitiveness of other countries. Therefore, as the Thai Baht was tumbling, their goods became competitive and had a negative effect on other currencies, such as the Rupiah of Indonesia and the Ringgit of Malaysia (Glassman 129). After the Baht was put on the floating exchange rate, the economy of Thailand started to recover and was able to alleviate their debt earlier than they thought in 2003 (King 459). South Korea did manage to recuperate despite its weak financial system. However, Indonesia was especially hurt by firms going bankrupt and the devaluation of the Rupiah made it harder for them to recover. Monetary and Fiscal policies were tightened as countries fought to cope with the financial panic. The countries also raised interest rates in order to attract foreign currency and increase the price of domestic assets. On the other hand, higher rates meant higher repayments and many could not survive their debts. Following the Asian financial crisis, Russia, Mexico and Argentina all suffered economic collapses (King 61). Another factor that is thought to be one of the reasons for the crisis, the Asian currencies appreciated to levels that were too high leading to a crash in the markets. The IMF gave these countries support during these times and in return they wanted the countries to follow three key elements; large official financing packages, structural reforms, and macroeconomic policies that intended to counter the crisis itself (King 463). Structural reforms were seen as the root causes of the crisis. They intervened to shore up institutions and more importantly, improved the financial supervision and regulation. Thus, reducing the likelihood of a crisis reoccurring. Other structures were also altered to help the economies in the long run; they strengthened competition laws and increased transparency. This would help reduce eradicate corruption. Macro policies were harder to implement due to the turbulent market conditions; though, after some initial hesitations, nominal and real interest rates fell to pre-crisis levels. However, Indonesia’s policies steered them off course for a while before it was brought under control in late 1998 (King 464). The Asian financial crisis raised certain important issues that need to be taken into account for the international financial system. It is very important to prevent a crisis from occurring in the first place, because the short term flow of capital can be moved within seconds; therefore, prevention is the best sought achievement/target. Transparency is also important to crisis prevention. At the height of the Asian financial crisis, some unpleasant information was revealed, in particular, on the weaknesses of central banks international reserve positions. The IMF pointed this out as an integral part as closer monitoring of the finance sector could give alerts to any such problems in the future. Another issue that needed to be analyzed after the crisis was that of capital controls. As the countries liberalized the capital accounts, they left many short falls in the regulation of them. Tighter restriction and closer monitoring of the capital flows would have helped the financial institutions to keep greater control. An additional issue that should be noted is what policies the governments used and which ones seemed to be successful in such a crisis. Looking back at the Asian financial crisis, it seems that monetary policy worked. A period of high interest rates and the market pressures eased and interest rates soon fell below pre-crisis levels. In theory, if monetary policies were implemented earlier, it might have contrasted the spread of the crisis. However, the higher interest rates meant that debt repayments were higher and led to widespread insolvencies. These macroeconomic policies are crucial as they can be implemented to the changing economic conditions. The Asian financial crisis has brought a new way of thinking in the world of global finance. There are lessons that were harshly learnt by a few countries; however, the overall effect was a global one. In the contemporary world, one country does not stand by itself, global integration has meant that countries are connected and interlinked. Therefore, as we witnessed from the Asian financial crisis, the end result of poor management of financial institutions can have a drastic impact on the world economy. In the current climate, we are facing a global recession, an expected drop in world trade, all this as a result of a credit boom. The government and regulators must learn from the Asian financial crisis and hopefully they will be able to contain the latest economic crisis. Works Cited Oxford English Dictionary. Oxford University Press 2010. Web. 18 March 2011. McNally, David. Another World is Possible: Globalization & Anti-Capitalism. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada: Arbeiter Ring Publishing. Print. Adam Hanieh. â€Å"Forum of Hierarchies of a Global Market: The South and the Economic Crisis. † Studies in Political Economy Volume 83. (2009): 61 – 81. Print. Michael R. King. â€Å"Who Triggered the Asian Financial Crisis? Review of International Political Economy Volume 8. Issue 3 (2001): 438 – 466. Print. Aseem Prakash. â€Å"The East Asian Crisis and the Globalization Discourse. † Review of International Political Economy Volume 8. Issue 1 (2001): 119 – 146. Print. Saleheen Khan, Faridul Islam, Syed Ahmed. â€Å"The Asian Crisis: An Economic Analysis of the Causes. † The J ournal of Developing Areas Volume 39. Issue 1 (2005): 169 – 190. Print. Jim Glassman. â€Å"Economic Crisis in Asia: The Case of Thailand. † Economic Geography Volume 77. Issue 2 (2001): 122 – 147. Print.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Power Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Power - Term Paper Example Individual viewMany people view power from a negative perspective while very few individuals view power from a positive perspective. According to Elizabeth Laneway, she claims that we are put off by power because we embrace fear and we think that we do not have the capacity to work with responsibilities associated with power. The famous phrase about power by Lord Action that, power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely has made many individuals to view power as a practice associated with social ills to the community. The fear enacted from power makes many people to remain isolated making thing they can change that are within their capacity to remain unchanged. This is because we fear responsibilities that are associated with power and hence give a chance to other people to make decisions rather that getting involved with that power so as to solve problem surrounding us.Power is a commodity that is dormant in each and every individual until one decides to exploit the potenti al and put it into action. Every individual has got the capacity to assimilate others hence effecting changes in communities hence providing long term solutions to community problems.Philosophers and theologians view Philosophers and theologians have a different view about power. They have intensified their research in trying to determine the concept of power and trying to bring out the real explanation pertaining power. They consider power to be a neutral term being neither good nor bad until it is applied to human acts.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Juvenile Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Juvenile Justice - Essay Example According to a report from the National Institute of Justice, â€Å"Research indicates that a relatively small group of serious juvenile offenders who are also serious drug users account for a disproportionate amount of all serious crimes committed by juveniles.† (Vanderwaal, et al. 1) This report shows that serious juvenile drug abusers are at a subsequently higher risk for the eventual commission of serious crimes. The fourth group of juvenile alcohol and drug users is the hard core user who is unable to function within society, and may present a much higher threat to society and themselves as a direct result. While the fourth group is extreme and may seem to be more severe type it would likely be the third group that would present the largest threat to society and the user themselves. The third grouping spends time and money that they may need to steal to obtain the drugs and is still able to function to a degree within society. By virtue of ability to function and extreme desire for the substances of choice this user would likely represent the greatest threat. Reference page: Vanderwaal, et al.,. "Breaking the Juvenile drug-crime cycle, a guide for practitioners and policymakers." National Institute of Justice (2001): 1. Web. 23 Apr 2011.

Comparing Two Similar Businesses Research Paper

Comparing Two Similar Businesses - Research Paper Example This research paper discuses more about the management strategies essentially in and Borders Books businesses. To arrive at the conclusion of this paper statistical analysis related to the topic of discussion was collected and previous works used. is considered the pioneer in online selling. It expanded in the late 1990s to sell the world’s largest selection of books, DVDs, videos, CDs, electronics, toys, tools, house wares, and kitchen gadgets. Through intermediaries’ conformities, in addition sells products from renowned retailers like Incorporated., the Borders Group, etc. On the other hand, Borders Group incorporated is the largest after in the United States bookstore chains. It is the fastest rising bookstore chain. It runs 354 superstores in the name of Borders Books and Music. It features books and special events, like live music, and appearances by artists. This research paper analyzed and compared two buss inesses on such topics as management approach each took to Internet marketing and sales, three reasons for Amazon's success despite not turning a profit for the first five to six years, three reasons Borders, although initially successful and profitable, ended up in chapter 11 in relation for bankruptcy safeguard. In conclusion, in order for a company to flourish in the competitive market environment it should adopt the modern marketing strategies like marketing online, designing there website in a way that attracts many customers.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Case study 4-2 Virtually There Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

4-2 Virtually There - Case Study Example Therefore the patients are able to draw on the knowledge of a lot of doctors. These doctors positioned in other locations can be acquainted with modern treatments or can have a new look on the treatment alternatives. The scenario outlines a real-time corporate shared data network. In this scenario, some of the other communication technology based facilities can comprise electronic repositories, electronic collaboration systems and video teleconferencing. In this answer I will present the possible ideas and suggestions which can be adopted by Dr. Esserman in order to successfully manage this virtual team. In order to successfully manage such team we need to take care of some the issues and areas, which are: (Turban, Leidner, McLean, & Wetherbe, 2005; Laudon & Laudon, 1999) Privacy/security: How will the privacy of patient’s data and information records are maintained? In a world which is more and more concerned with privacy, the privacy of patient records have to be addressed. Liability: Recognizing the extensive issues for medical malpractice, who will take the responsibility for problem cases? The students can react to physician who provides help as the preliminary point of contact; however it cannot be probable to consequently carefully restrict liability. Compensation: How will the project team associates be rewarded for their participation? For the team to effort over a long term, a number of systems will require to be planed to recompense the physicians for their time. As the quality of their contribution will carry on being significant for these virtual teams, there requires being a number of drivers for the physicians’ participation. Communication: How will the important data and information are communicated to the patient? Who will be accountable for up-holding the communication technology? Students can be worried about how the responsive information has to be

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Theoretical Framework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Theoretical Framework - Assignment Example According to Duffy (1997), the three key constituents of the health promoting model include the amending factors. These factors influence behaviors that promote health by acting on the cognitive-perceptual aspects. The cognitive-perceptual aspects are a constituent of the model that control partaking in behaviors that promote health. The model also comprises of the likelihood of taking part in behavior that enhances health. Diabetes is a highly prevalent disease that is evidenced by its number seven ranking in the year 2010. Its rate increases with certain factors like age with persons between the ages of 45 and 60 been twice as likely to die from diabetes. Sandra (2002) notes that Hispanic Americans had higher diabetes risk. Lorraine et al. (2005) reports that demographic factors such as lack of knowledge on diabetes, age, minimal exercise, and been without appropriate health care all contribute to reduced individual health. Padilla & Villalobos (2007) assert that Hispanic men and women show individual health features that are poor. The poor individual health features increase the prevalence of diabetes among these persons. Pender’s health promoting model articulates for a lifestyle that enhances health. A health-enhancing lifestyle can be used by an individual to manage diabetes. Melko et al. (2010) argue that a lifestyle that enhances health is one whose day to day undertakings ensure that an individual is healthy. Duffy (1997) writes that, persons who take part in behaviors that enhance health, recognize the importance of health management; they show a great deal of control, are cognizant of the importance of quality in life, and they believed in their ability to undertake certain acts. If Hispanic men and women, along with non-Hispanic African-American women undertake behaviors that lead to a health-enhancing lifestyle like

Friday, August 9, 2019

Comparing social behavior between fresh H2O dolphins and salt H2O Lab Report

Comparing social behavior between fresh H2O dolphins and salt H2O Dolphins - Lab Report Example The work also shows that their social behavior is also demonstrated through dolphin human relations behaviors]. *Iriarte, V., and Marmontel, M. (2013). River Dolphin (Inia geoffrensis, Sotalia fluviatilis) Mortality Events Attributed to Artisanal Fisheries in the Western Brazilian Amazon. Aquatic Mammals, 39(2), 116-124. [The author points out dolphins’ social behaviors through the prism of ecological adaptation. His work also offers insight into marine environment. The work also shows how human beings can interact amicably with dolphins without any conflict]. *Lundquist, D.J. (2011). Behaviour and movement patterns of dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) off Kaikoura, New Zealand: Effects of tourism. A thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand. [Lundquist’s study offers species specific information on the behaviors of dolphins. His study narrows down to behaviors, which can be assessed at species level. His work attempts to show how travel and movements patterns are critical as dolphins’ social behaviors within a pod]. [The authors’ research is critical in demonstrating social behaviors in dolphins. The study also shows how such behaviors compare with those of other animals as well as human beings. The study also highlights on other random social behaviors are ecologically acquired and serve a specific social purpose]. [The author’s work demonstrates that part of dolphins’ social behavior involves echolocations mechanism of group location. Their work show how high frequency whistles assist in finding mates and social groups amongst dolphins]. *Orbach, D.N., Kirchner, T., and WÃ ¼rsig, B. (2014). Measuring the Mating Behaviors of Free- Ranging Dusky Dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus). Proceedings of Measuring Behavior

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Randstad as a Professional Employment Agency Essay

Randstad as a Professional Employment Agency - Essay Example The researcher states that Randstad is the second biggest staffing organization in the world. Randstad plays a fundamental role in developing the workplace and leveraging the maximum value of human capital to benefit clients, candidates, investors, and employees. The main problem of Randstad is handling its multigenerational workforce, so that retention rates can be boosted. Its minor problems are intergenerational conflicts due to differences in work and personal values and developing performance management strategies that fit different generations. The primary issues of the firm are employee retention strategies for different generations and concerns in maximizing the benefits of its coaching approach to team building and retention. These issues can be approached through considering the factors of enhancing work climate and job fulfillment to increase employee retention rates. HR should examine individual and generational needs through interviews and surveys. The major problem of t he company is enhancing its retention rate. Its minor problems are intergenerational conflicts due to differences in work and personal values and developing performance management strategies that fit different generations. The first alternative is to focus on enhancing the work climate. Work climate can enhance recruitment and retention success of workers. The work climate can affect provider outcomes, such as job satisfaction and turnover rates. Positive views of the psychological work climate can enhance job satisfaction, organizational commitment, motivation, and productivity. Particular actions that can enhance the work climate include training employees to develop their coaching and intergenerational communication and culture skills. This way, employees are trained to handle generation-based differences in attitudes and work/communication practices.